Exploring the World of Cheese, Getting to know the Profession of Fromagerie.

I have a genuine affection for cheese, even though its distinct aromas often trigger a cringe due to its uniqueness. However, I remain open to tasting it with trust and immense pleasure.

The finest cheese stays close to home. 

Travelling is the ideal way to discover a range of local cheeses.

The exact number of official and unofficial cheese types worldwide is difficult to determine as there are countless variations and regional specialities.

However, according to the locally surveyed information on Cheese, approximately 1,200 different types of cheese exist across Europe.

France is one of the European countries where you can find fine many local artisanal cheese.

Renowned author Murakami Haruki has a deep love for travelling and a fervent passion for local culinary cultures. In one of his statements, he emphasized, "The finest alcohol never travels," and I find it fitting to extend the same notion to cheese.


  To Continue the passion for making French cheese, There are competitions in France that aim to select the best fromagerie (cheese shop) and recognize the expertise of fromagers (cheese professionals).

 One well-known competition is the <Concours Meilleur Fromager >, the Best Cheese Monger Competition, organized by the Guilde des Fromagers (Cheese Guild) in France.

 This competition aims to identify and celebrate the top cheesemongers who demonstrate exceptional knowledge about cheeses, their origins, production methods, and the art of cheese pairing.


The competition involves various rounds that assess different aspects of a fromager's skills, including theoretical knowledge, practical tasks related to cheese cutting and presentation, and interaction with customers to showcase their expertise.

 It's a prestigious event highlighting the dedication and expertise of those working in cheese.

This competition not only provides recognition to the best fromageries but also helps promote the importance of cheese culture and education, ensuring that consumers receive the best guidance and experience when exploring the diverse world of cheeses.  

Cheese enthusiasts understand that experiencing cheese goes beyond simply tasting a single flavour or type. It allows one to explore different cultures, understand their people, and connect with their history. Consider adding this to your bucket list for a lifetime journey – visiting prestigious fromageries in France. This allows you to taste their passion, expand your palate, and make your visit worthwhile.

10 best awarded Fromage 

Quesos y Besos ( cheese and kisses) cheese factory was built in 2017. 
and this cheese ( Olivida, Spanish Goat's milk cheese )  was made by a couple with other 6 cheese makers as a team from a small town in Southern Spain.
Photo © Quesos y Beso

 This Epoisses was produced by Fromagerie Berthaut in Epoisses, France, 
(photo © Marky’s)

Eminence Gris Tomme Chevre, a Dutch goat’s milk cheese, is aged in caves with ammunition during World War II.
 (photo © Van der Heiden Kaas)

 a semi-hard cheese from Hungary took fourth place. 
(photo © Csíz Sajtműhely)

Twentse Bunkerkaas Geit 
Here's another tasty goat's milk cheese winner from the Netherlands. 
(photo © Gastropedia)

Montano Intenso 
  an aged Gouda cheese from the Netherlands 
(photo © Maaz Cheese)

Gorgonzola Dolce DOP from Caseificio Brusati 

Worldwide known as the best creamy cheese, it never fails to complement any meal.
 You can eat it with a spoon. 
(photo © Caseificio Brusati)

Quesos y Besos has created another winner with Camembesos, their delicious Camembert-style cheese that I love all year round!

Caerphilly cheese 
 is white, crumbly cheese that originated in Caerphilly, Wales. Gorwydd is the winner.
(photo © Vin Sullivan Foods).

Vorarlberger Bergkäse g.U. This cheese is a traditional variety from the Austrian mountains.

(photo © Alma)



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