Fostering Eco-Friendly Habits Maximizing Natural Light Through Minimalism


Just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, the direction of sunlight influences how we think about homes. When looking for a new place to live, they often consider where the windows face. Many prefer homes with windows that face the south. 

This is because when windows are oriented this way, they let in a lot of sunlight. This sunlight has many benefits. It helps our bodies get Vitamin D and makes wet clothes dry faster. Sunlight also prevents the growth of mould, which can happen in damp conditions.

However, not all homes are shaped to have windows facing the right direction for maximum sunlight. Some homes have windows that face north, which means they don't get as much sunlight during the day. My room, for example, has a window that faces north. This means getting indirect sunlight in the morning, disappearing slowly by noon.

When the sky is covered with clouds, there's even less light. On those days, I prefer spending time outside, surrounded by nature. This is one of the positive sides of living in a place facing north.  And nature has always been a source of comfort for me.


One problem with homes that face north is that clothes take a long time to dry, and they can start to smell bad because of bacteria.

I've made some changes to make the most of the little sunlight I get in my room. I removed heavy curtains and coverings from the windows, keeping things simple.

I used light colours for the wallpaper, opting for a subdued shade of white on one side to enhance the room's brightness. Additionally, I rearranged my furniture to allow more light to enter the room.

To keep my privacy while still getting sunlight, I added a   see-through sheet to my window that faces another building.

Using light and calm colours like white or light lemon makes the room feel open and cheerful. My furniture is a mix of white and wood, which goes well with this style. I also didn't add too many decorations, so the room feels more spacious and lets in more light.

But there's more to this than just making the room look nice. This way of living, minimalism, is also good for the environment. It helps reduce waste and how much we use. And it also helps us focus on our thoughts and feelings. 

Living simply encourages us to think about what's important and be mindful. Through minimalism, we can find a way to care for the environment and find a deeper connection with ourselves.


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